Established in 2019, SNR ENG Ltd is an engineering consultancy formed to provide a wide variety of civil engineering and utility design services to the residential and commercial development markets, in both the private and public sectors, throughout the United Kingdom.

The core objective of SNR ENG Ltd is to provide clients with a professional service resulting in a robust and efficient solution from appraisal stage to as-built via a tailored service to meet their individual requirements.

SNR ENG Ltd is notably orientated for serving clients engaged in residential developments ranging from a single dwelling up to several hundred plots and is able to sustain a high quality of service irrespective of the development scale and constraints criteria.
Completed Projects | Updated December 2023

SNR ENG Ltd is a conscientious company and maintains policies and statements including:-

  • Equal Opportunities.
  • Health & Safety.
  • Health & Safety in Construction.
  • Modern Slavery Act.
  • Quality Policy.
  • Vision Statement.